Sponsorship Opportunities
ILCA is pleased to announce the following sponsorship and advertisement opportunities available during the annual conference.
Sponsorship and/or advertising for the 2025 Conference includes advertising on the ILCA website as well as in the ILCA eNews for one year following the conference.Conference Partner - $1,500Includes: exhibit space and 2 full registrations. We welcome you to make a ten minute "presentation" to the attendees during the conference. We will include a digital copy and printed copy of your brochure to our attendees. You provide and ship the materials in advance. Printed brochure for attendee folder: please ship copies of brochure to be included in the attendee folders. The number of expected attendees will be provided to you. This fee does not include Hotel registration.
Exhibitor1 Table - One Day only - $200
1 Table - Entire Conference - $350
Luncheon - $600Includes: Announcement before and after lunch, signage, notation and thank-you in conference agenda, web link to your website, table for materials and a vendor's insert in the attendee folder as well as electronic binder. Encouraged to have small logo giveaways and all the possible contacts you can create by networking.
Break - $300Includes: Announcement before and after break, signage, notation and thank-you in conference agenda, web link to your website and a vendor's insert in the attendee folder as well as electronic binder. Network with as many possible contacts as you can create.
Vendors Insert - $150 - Insertion of your company brochure and informationYour brochure/advertisement will be added to our attendee folder as well as electronic binder. You provide and ship the materials in advance.
Sponsorship opportunities are on a first come, first serve basis. Contact
administration@insurancelosscontrol.org for reservations and payment information.