2006 ILCA Annual Conference
9:15 am – 10:30 am
General Session
Making the Business Case for Safety
Richard G. Raymer, CSP
This session will have participants learn how to speak the language the CEO and controller use to be more successful getting the resources needed for safety. This session will focus on the sustainable drivers of safety within and organization like preserving human resources, the company's integrity, and profits. Examples will be provided on how to position these safety drivers to help upper management understand how safety is a business building asset and not a cost necessity.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
List the four main safety motivators.
Describe which motivators are most sustainable.
Calculate sales equivalent dollars to pay for injuries and illnesses.
Richard G. Raymer, CSP , is a board certified safety professional and has more than 25 years experience in the safety profession. He is president of his own company, Safety Solution Partners LLC, doing training and consulting with company's implementing comprehensive health & safety management systems. Mr. Raymer is also an adjunct instructor with Cincinnati State and the University of Cincinnati. He spent 30 years with The Procter & Gamble Company in manufacturing and as senior manager of safety. Mr. Raymer is also past president of the Southwest Ohio Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers.
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
General Session
Industrial Ergonomics - Hazard Recognition and Control
Todd Tippner
This session will discuss how to perform data-driven ergonomics analysis for industrial jobs in this basic occupational ergonomics workshop. Participants will learn to identify potential hazards and develop cost-effective solutions for prevention.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify the anatomical areas susceptible to injuries and differentiate the causes, signs, and symptoms of MSDs.
Learn the elements and application of ergonomics jobsite analysis forms.
Identify and implement correct methods for controlling risk factors.
Demonstrate and practice prevention strategies.
Todd Tippner graduated from Ball State University with a degree in exercise science and wellness. He has completed in-depth ergonomic and safety training and is a Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist and Certified Safety Manager. Mr. Tippner has worked with all facets of ergonomics including pre-employment physical ability tests, ergonomic consultation, development and implementation of injury reduction programs, and education/training programs. He has taught more than two hundred educational classes and has performed ergonomic services for all types of industry.
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
General Session
What Constitutes an Effective Hearing Conservation Program?
James J. Jerome, MA, CCC-A
The session will discuss noise-induced hearing loss being one of the most pervasive occupational health problems in the work place. More than 30 million workers in the United States are exposed to noise levels that are potentially hazardous to their hearing. However, it can be reduced, or often eliminated, through implementation of an effective hearing conservation program. Details of the procedures involved in implementing each of these seven elements will be presented and discussed. In addition to the elements, an effective program is a process that involves coordinated efforts by the hearing conservation team. Roles and responsibilities of all participants from management, program implementors, and affected employees will be discussed. Lastly, an effective hearing conservation program can provide long term benefits. Details on both production and health benefits will be presented and discussed.
Session objectives:
An effective hearing conservation program…
Goes beyond the minimum OSHA requirements.
Involves attention to detail (but reaps big rewards).
Involves the coordinated efforts of participants at all levels.
Promotes productivity and preserves employee hearing.
James J. Jerome, MA, CCC-A has been an audiologist for the past 34 years: five years as a school audiologist, 21 years as a clinician and hearing conservationist while serving as an officer in the U.S. Army, and eight years as an occupational audiology consultant. He has extensive experience in hearing testing, reviewing audiometric data, counseling/training employees, analyzing program compliance and effectiveness, conducting plant noise assessments, and providing practical solutions for noise control.
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Concurrent Session A
Learning, Leading, and Leveraging Internet-Based Training in the Critical Next Decade
Tom Gaudreau & Ken Nogan
During this session, the presenters will discuss how the United States workforce is in the beginning stages of one of the largest shifts in demographics ever encountered due to the impending large-scale exodus of the baby boomer generation from the workplace. Virtually every business will be impacted by this phenomenon in the years ahead, and conversely, the need to attract and develop talent in their industries will be a major issue. The insurance industry and the loss control profession will be classically affected. As a result, carriers need to view the emerging marketplace as a completion for tomorrow’s brightest young people both in their companies and within their agencies. They will also need to compete all over again for market segments they once considered a given due to ownership changes beginning to take place across all business spectrums. Ignoring these inevitables will prove costly for many organizations. In order to succeed in the decade ahead, carriers need to understand the changing demographics, the new generation of workers (Generation X & Y), and how several leading societal factors are also going to play a major role in the decade ahead. We propose that the leadership opportunity for loss control has never been clearer. Since loss control remains uniquely positioned as the only insurance company function that regularly interacts with every customer (underwriting, claims, the agency, and the insureds), loss control insight will be invaluable in designing changes in services and efficiencies in the carrier’s operations. Likewise, the Internet will be a key to both delivering services and training in the emerging marketplace.
Session objectives:
Trends impacting the insurance industry and the loss control profession.
Introduce Generation Y (“20 Somethings”) to the loss control profession.
Five actions carriers must take to succeed in the demographic whirlwind ahead.
Online training and its role in loss control continuing education.
Knowing what to look for in an online training partner.
Is it time for a new business model for the loss control profession?
Tom Gaudreau is the director of channel sales and marketing for PureSafety, a leading provider of online safety training and risk management solutions.
Ken Nogan is the president of RepLearning Inc., the insurance industry’s first online training company for the loss control profession. He earned his master’s degree in training and HR management from Leicester University in England where he presented his graduate thesis, “The Role of Adult Learning Theories in Corporate E-Learning Strategies.” Mr. Nogan has 25 years of insurance loss control experience including designations as a property specialist (Crum and Forster Insurance), product liability specialist (Crum and Forster) and ergonomics specialist (General Accident Insurance). He began his insurance career in 1981 with the Aetna Insurance Company after earning his bachelor’s degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in safety management.
Concurrent Session B
Basic Electrical Issues and Safety
Bob Titter
Concurrent Session C
Introduction to TIPS
Adam Chafetz
This session is an introduction to TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS). TIPS is a dynamic, skills-based training program designed to prevent intoxication, drunk driving, and underage drinking by enhancing the fundamental "people skills" of servers, sellers, and consumers of alcohol. Developed by Health Communications, TIPS gives individuals the knowledge and confidence they need to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and intervene to prevent alcohol-related tragedies. This session will present a brief presentation on the program’s core concepts and methods before engaging the audience with any questions they might have.
The session will:
Introduce TIPS training to the audience.
Explain the benefits of TIPS training to the insurance community.
Discuss how the insurance community and TIPS can work together to reduce liability exposure.
Adam Chafetz, president and CEO of Health Communications, was involved in the development and initial implementation of the TIPS program more than 20 years ago. He spent more than eight years traveling the United States training members of the hospitality industry and since then, has worked to continually adapt the TIPS curriculum to the changing needs of its audiences. Based on his initial work developing the core TIPS for On Premise program, Mr. Chafetz has overseen the development of nine additional programs, each targeted to specific venues where alcohol is sold or consumed.
3:45 pm – 4:45 pm
Repeat Concurrent Sessions A, B, C
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
8:00 am - 9:15 am
General Session
Insurance Coverages and the LC Survey
Bruce E. Ayrton
In order to provide the customer/underwriter with sufficient information to properly rate and underwrite a risk, the professional loss control rep should have a basic working knowledge of insurance coverages. This session will provide a basic understanding of specific insurance coverages that we may be asked to survey. This session will cover property, general liability, products/completed operations, workers’ compensation, auto, and inland marine. The session will review common insurance terminology and definitions. It will focus on the critical elements by coverage that the underwriter looks for and needs to write the account.
Session objectives:
To improve survey skills through improved understanding of the insurance coverage we may be asked to survey/inspect.
To develop a better knowledge of basic insurance terminolgy and definitions.
To provide the underwriter the key infomation required to properly underwrite and rate an account.
Bruce E. Ayrton has 32 years of professional loss control experience with large insurance carriers before starting his own business that specializes in risk assessment surveys and risk management services to the insurance industry. He is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) by examination and also has an associate degee in risk management and an associate degree in loss control management. He ia also a certified provider in PA for accident/illness services. Mr. Ayrton is a professional member of ASSE, including 4 divisions, a member of the National Association of Safety Professionals, and ILCA. Mr. Ayrton served on various technical committee's including National Committee for Motor Fleet Training, and Fleet and Workers’ Compensation with the old American Insurances Services Group. Mr. Ayrton has also served as speaker to various organizations including the NJ Safety Council, Public Risk Managers Association, and ILCA.
9:15 am – 10:30 am
General Session
Silica Exposure Issues and Controls
Dianne Grote Adams
This session will discuss the activities in manufacturing and in construction that may be a source of silica. The health hazards associated with silica will be identified. OSHA regulations and the ACGIH TLV for silica as well as industrial hygiene monitoring methods will be reviewed. Control methods will also be identified.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify health hazards of silia.
Recognize sources of silica.
Understand how to evaluate employee exposures.
Identify control methods.
Dianne Grote Adams has more than 25 years in environmental, health, and safety. She has worked in government, manufacturing, and service industry. She is the president of Safex Inc., an industrial hygiene and safety consulting and training firm.
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
General Session
Mark Briggs
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
General Session
Myths and Realities Concerning Mold Exposure
John F. Beltz
This session will cover how i ndoor mold exposure has become an important issue for building managers and insurance companies. High-profile cases where significant amounts of money have been awarded and drastic measures are taken to rid buildings of mold have been sensationalized in the news. Scientific and medical research has not answered all of the important questions regarding the significance of mold exposure. A combination of the research that has been reported in the literature along with personal experience will provide the basis for presenting a reasoned approach for addressing mold in buildings.
The session will:
Review the basics of environmental mold.
Discuss the health effects recognized by the medical community.
Present case studies that demonstrate anecdotal effects of mold exposure.
Summarize a reasoned approach to mold evaluation and control.
John F. Beltz has been a certified industrial hygienist for more than 20 years. He has been involved in many industrial exposure assessments and has become more involved with indoor air quality during the past 10 years. Mr. Beltz has been a private consultant for eight years, specializing in chemical exposures, indoor air quality, and training.
2:45 pm – 4:45 pm
General Session
Playground Safety Overview
Dave Parker
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
8:00 am - 9:15 am
General Session
Safety Management Systems - Can They Help Our Customers?
Manuel B. Dominguez
This session discusses t he development of safety and health programs to meet regulatory requirements and/or corporate needs as an ever changing journey. The use of standard safety management tools will assist any safety practitioner to provide a safety and healthly environment for employees, meet corporate needs, and fulfill regulatory requirements. These tools could also be used by small companies to establish strong loss control programs and reduce their operational risks. Advocating these processes could be beneficial to loss control professionals as they provide guidance and support to their clients.
The session will:
Define safety management programs.
Discuss implementation process.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages for the insurance industry.
Manuel B. Dominguez is chief of the Safety, Health and Environmental Division at NASA Glenn Research Center. He has worked at NASA for more than 15 years. Mr. Dominguez is a former loss control representative with Northbrook P&C insurance. He holds a master’s degree in industrial safety at Central Missouri State University.
9:15 am – 10:30 am
General Session
Workers’ Compensation Experience Rating Revelations
Duane Schroeder
No single factor has a greater impact on the pricing of an employer's workers’ compensation premium than the Experience Rating Modification. This presentation will promote an in-depth understanding of the factors that drive the modification, and the methodology behind the calculation. Finally, a definitive answer to the question, "Should I report all small claims, or will it cause our insurance premiums to go out the roof?"
The presentation will discuss:
Eligibility requirements.
Limitation of large losses.
Frequency vs. severity.
Impact of small medical claims.
Major impact of early return to work programs.
Duane Schroeder began his career with the Hartford Insurance Company after graduating from Ball State University with a bachelor’s degree in actuarial science. He held several management positions with the American States Insurance Group (subsequently Safeco Insurance) for 20 years prior to joining the ICRB. Mr. Schroeder joined the Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau (ICRB) as director of business development in May 2002, and was named vice president effective January 1, 2003.
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
General Session
NFPA 70E Flame Retardant Clothing
Scott M. Margolin
This session will cover thermal hazards and appropriate personal protective equipment. It will focus on recognition of these hazards, especially electric arc flash and flash fire, and recommendations to control the hazard and mitigate risk to the worker. New regulations will be discussed, including NFPA 70E, NESC and OSHA revisions. The dangers of non flame resistant clothing will be examined and contrasted with the protection afforded by common flame resistant garments. Video is used extensively, including several actual accidents; the medical, psychological, and financial costs of body burn injury are devastating and will be examined. Participants will leave with a solid basic knowledge of the hazards, consequences of accidents, relevant regulations, and control methods.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Recognize thermal hazards in the workplace.
Understand appropriate risk control options.
Understand costs of burn injury.
Understand applicable regulatory requirements.
Scott M. Margolin has been involved with flame resistant clothing for more than 20 years. He was a firefighter for six years, and worked for Dupont for 10 years, including leading the Nomex flash fire business, before joining Westex in 2000, where he is the international technical director. Mr. Margolin has conducted more than 2900 laboratory flash fires and more than 800 electric arc flashes to evaluate flame resistant clothing, and has extensive experience with industrial thermal hazards, body burn, and the appropriate use of protective clothing.
12:00 pm – 12:15 pm
Closing Remarks
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